House or Land Clearing/Blessing

Physical spaces can accumulate and hold energy similar to that of humans. Whether you are in a new space or a familiar space that no longer feels so, it may serve as an intuitive notion to bring about a feeling of rejuvenation, calm, and joy. When that energy accumulates over time as various life experiences take place while time moves on and is not cleared or worked through, it can begin to have a negative affect on our lives while we continue to exist within it. It begins to no longer resonate with our ever evolving energetic field. An energetic clearing and realignment is needed.

My Heartfelt intention is to help facilitate an energetic environment of clearing, rejuvenating, and realigning your space to better fit your now moments of energetic needs to bring about a sense of sustained balance and wellbeing while inhabiting what should always feel like a safe space; an oasis of comfort.

What Could a Session “Look” Like?

Each session varies in Energy and Tools needed as each is a unique, highly intuitive experience.

Before our session in your space takes place, there will be a call via phone or Zoom to illuminate needs; how the space feels, your desired outcomes, if there are opposing energies existing, and how they may be affecting you and/or other inhabitants.

As we begin our session together, I will walk around the property (if physically possible…if not, Energy always finds a way) to clear energy and set an environment that accommodates the fluid motion of a New energetic environment of reharmonization.

With your help, we will walk through, clear, and rebalance each space that is a concern, as well as others that may come to awareness intuitively during the walkthrough.

Throughout the walkthrough and rebalancing of energies in your space, there may be intuitive, high vibrational messages that surface to share ways of sustaining the new energetic shifts that take place.

***The fee includes an intuitive gift to assist in sustaining the shift in energy.***